You can almost hear your burned-out summer lawn in the same manner a baby cries on a hot day from dehydration: “Water! Water!”
Each of us knows the same feeling. You’re working out in the yard and you suddenly realize your water bottle is a long way. You are parched and it’s all you can think about until you are satisfied.
That’s the way our well was shouting when it went dry.
As life goes, the summer turned on a dime and some southern weather masses began to drench our region and all every farmer in the state and those of us with wells could say was, “Thank You, God!”
That’s when I remembered that half the world is on vacation these same weeks and they are getting drenched. Just how many videos, games and eating out can you do on your precious weeks off?
We say, "Rain, rain, come today" while they say, "Rain, rain, go away." Just who is God supposed to listen to?
Our fortunes may be disastrous for someone else and what’s good for them isn’t always great for us.
While we needed rain, this simple portal reminded me that there’s dark cloud over my head if I ever forget that there’s always something else going on beyond my little square footage of brown lawn.
PORTAL TO HEAVEN: Prayers shaped exclusively in a vacuum can appear proper, but a wider perspective is God’s perspective.
you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings…Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.
1 Peter 5:9 NIV, Philippians 2:3 NLT